Source code for d6t.stack.sniffer

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

Finds CSV settings and Excel sheets in multiple files. Often needed as input for stacking

import collections
import csv
import ntpath

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import openpyxl
import xlrd

from .helpers import check_valid_xls

# csv

[docs]def csv_count_rows(fname): def blocks(files, size=65536): while True: b = if not b: break yield b with open(fname) as f: nrows = sum(bl.count("\n") for bl in blocks(f)) return nrows
[docs]class CSVSniffer(object): """ Automatically detects settings needed to read csv files. SINGLE file only, for MULTI file use CSVSnifferList Args: fname (string): file path nlines (int): number of lines to sample from each file delims (string): possible delimiters, default ',;\t|' """ def __init__(self, fname, nlines = 10, delims=',;\t|'): self.cfg_fname = fname self.nrows = csv_count_rows(fname) # todo: check for file size, if large don't run this self.cfg_nlines = min(nlines,self.nrows) # read_lines() doesn't check EOF # todo: check 1% of file up to a max self.cfg_delims_pool = delims self.delim = None # delim used for the file self.csv_lines = None # top n lines read from file self.csv_lines_delim = None # detected delim for each line in file self.csv_rows = None # top n lines split usingn delim
[docs] def read_nlines(self): # read top lines fhandle = open(self.cfg_fname) self.csv_lines = [fhandle.readline().rstrip() for _ in range(self.cfg_nlines)] fhandle.close()
[docs] def scan_delim(self): if not self.csv_lines: self.read_nlines() # get delimiter for each line in file delims = [] for line in self.csv_lines: try: csv_sniff = csv.Sniffer().sniff(line, self.cfg_delims_pool) delims.append(csv_sniff.delimiter) except: delims.append(None) # todo: able to catch exception more specifically? self.csv_lines_delim = delims
[docs] def get_delim(self): if not self.csv_lines_delim: self.scan_delim() # all delimiters the same? if len(set(self.csv_lines_delim))>1: self.delim_is_consistent = False csv_delim_count = collections.Counter(self.csv_lines_delim) csv_delim = csv_delim_count.most_common(1)[0][0] # use the most common used delimeter # todo: rerun on cfg_csv_scan_topline**2 files in case there is a large # of header rows else: self.delim_is_consistent = True csv_delim = self.csv_lines_delim[0] if csv_delim==None: raise IOError('Could not determine a valid delimiter, pleaes check your files are .csv or .txt using one delimiter of %s' %(self.cfg_delims_pool)) else: self.delim = csv_delim self.csv_rows = [s.split(self.delim) for s in self.csv_lines][self.count_skiprows():] if self.check_column_length_consistent(): self.certainty = 'high' else: self.certainty = 'probable' return self.delim
[docs] def check_column_length_consistent(self): # check if all rows have the same length. NB: this is just on the sample! if not self.csv_rows: self.get_delim() return len(set([len(row) for row in self.csv_rows]))==1
[docs] def count_skiprows(self): # finds the number of rows to skip by finding the last line which doesn't use the selected delimiter if not self.delim: self.get_delim() if self.delim_is_consistent: # all delims the same so nothing to skip return 0 l = [d != self.delim for d in self.csv_lines_delim] l = list(reversed(l)) return len(l) - l.index(True)
[docs] def has_header_inverse(self): # checks if head present if all columns in first row contain a letter if not self.csv_rows: self.get_delim() def is_number(s): try: float(s) return True except ValueError: return False self.is_all_rows_number_col = all([any([is_number(s) for s in row]) for row in self.csv_rows]) ''' self.row_distance = [distance.jaccard(self.csv_rows[0], self.csv_rows[i]) for i in range(1,len(self.csv_rows))] iqr_low, iqr_high = np.percentile(self.row_distance[1:], [5, 95]) is_first_row_different = not(iqr_low <= self.row_distance[0] <= iqr_high) '''
[docs] def has_header(self): # more likely than not to contain headers so have to prove no header present self.has_header_inverse() return not self.is_all_rows_number_col
[docs]class CSVSnifferList(object): """ Automatically detects settings needed to read csv files. MULTI file use Args: fname_list (list): file names, eg ['a.csv','b.csv'] nlines (int): number of lines to sample from each file delims (string): possible delimiters, default ',;\t|' """ def __init__(self, fname_list, nlines = 10, delims=',;\t|'): self.cfg_fname_list = fname_list self.sniffers = [CSVSniffer(fname, nlines, delims) for fname in fname_list]
[docs] def get_all(self, fun_name, msg_error): val = [] for sniffer in self.sniffers: func = getattr(sniffer, fun_name) val.append(func()) if len(set(val))>1: raise NotImplementedError(msg_error+' Make sure all files have the same format') # todo: want to raise an exception here...? or just use whatever got detected for each file? else: return val[0]
[docs] def get_delim(self): return self.get_all('get_delim','Inconsistent delimiters detected!')
[docs] def count_skiprows(self): return self.get_all('count_skiprows','Inconsistent skiprows detected!')
[docs] def has_header(self): return self.get_all('has_header','Inconsistent header setting detected!')
# todo: propagate status of individual sniffers. instead of raising exception pass back status to get user input #****************************************************************** # xls #******************************************************************
[docs]class XLSSniffer(object): """ Extracts available sheets from MULTIPLE Excel files and runs diagnostics Args: fname_list (list): file paths, eg ['dir/a.csv','dir/b.csv'] logger (object): logger object with send_log(), optional """ def __init__(self, fname_list, logger=None): self.fname_list = fname_list self.logger = logger check_valid_xls(self.fname_list) self.sniff()
[docs] def sniff(self): """ Executes sniffer Returns: boolean: True if everything ok. Results are accessible in ``.df_xls_sheets`` """ xls_sheets = {} for fname in self.fname_list: if self.logger: self.logger.send_log('sniffing sheets in '+ntpath.basename(fname),'ok') xls_fname = {} xls_fname['file_name'] = ntpath.basename(fname) if fname[-5:]=='.xlsx': fh = openpyxl.load_workbook(fname,read_only=True) xls_fname['sheets_names'] = fh.sheetnames fh.close() # todo: need to close file? elif fname[-4:]=='.xls': fh = xlrd.open_workbook(fname, on_demand=True) xls_fname['sheets_names'] = fh.sheet_names() fh.release_resources() else: raise IOError('Only .xls or .xlsx files can be combined') xls_fname['sheets_count'] = len(xls_fname['sheets_names']) xls_fname['sheets_idx'] = np.arange(xls_fname['sheets_count']).tolist() xls_sheets[fname] = xls_fname self.xls_sheets = xls_sheets df_xls_sheets = pd.DataFrame(xls_sheets).T df_xls_sheets.index.names = ['file_path'] self.dict_xls_sheets = xls_sheets self.df_xls_sheets = df_xls_sheets return True
[docs] def all_contain_sheetname(self,sheet_name): """ Check if all files contain a certain sheet Args: sheet_name (string): sheetname to check Returns: boolean: If true """ return np.all([sheet_name in self.dict_xls_sheets[fname]['sheets_names'] for fname in self.fname_list])
[docs] def all_have_idx(self,sheet_idx): """ Check if all files contain a certain index Args: sheet_idx (string): index to check Returns: boolean: If true """ return np.all([sheet_idx<=(d['sheets_count']-1) for k,d in self.dict_xls_sheets.items()])
[docs] def all_same_count(self): """ Check if all files contain the same number of sheets Args: sheet_idx (string): index to check Returns: boolean: If true """ first_elem = next(iter(self.dict_xls_sheets.values())) return np.all([first_elem['sheets_count']==d['sheets_count'] for k,d in self.dict_xls_sheets.items()])
[docs] def all_same_names(self): first_elem = next(iter(self.dict_xls_sheets.values())) return np.all([first_elem['sheets_names']==d['sheets_names'] for k,d in self.dict_xls_sheets.items()])